Abstract The Knowledge Tradition of ancient India is a very unique and well-developed system. It teaches to understand every object from ...
The Knowledge Tradition of ancient India is a very unique and well-developed system. It teaches to understand every object from macro to micro level. The objects to be known are Pādārtha Vijñāna-Natural Philosophy, Mano Vijñāna- Psychology, Ātma Vijñāna- Science of the knowledge or soul and Tatva Vijñāna-Science of the knowledge of elements. Pramāṇa Vijñāna- Epistemology is used to examine and to know regarding all the above- mentioned objects. The knowledge of all these is required to achieve the Purushartha (four aims of life)- Dharma (righteous path), Artha (wealth), Kāṃa (desires) and Moksha(liberty). There are specific features mentioned for a science which is to be learnt, teacher and student. The whole paper details regarding the subjects and objects of the knowledge tradition of ancient India.

This review article has written to introduce the knowledge tradition of India available in the
Ayurvedic classics. Ayurveda -a science which has its root in Vedic science gives detailed
explanations regarding the features of science, characteristics of a teacher and a student.
Every science of ancient India has transmitted and preserved based on these principles. The
method of the postulation of a theory not only gives an idea of established theories but also
shows a path for the researcher. Ayurveda – being an eternal science, the principles of this
science are applicable for all the time. The subject matters such as five essential elements viz; earth, water, fire, air and ether, mind and soul is unique. The method of getting knowledge
regarding this is known as epistemology. This knowledge enables the person to understand
the world in a better way. By following and experiencing each object including visible and
invisible, allows a person to realise the real aims of life. Due to the invasion of the foreigners, there was a discontinuity in the knowledge tradition. The article aims to unveil the treasure of ancient knowledge.
Read Paper: https://journalspress.com/the-knowledge-tradition-of-ancient-india
About Author
Dr. Divya Jyothi
MD (Ayu), MA (Sanskrit), (PhD).
Director and Chief Scientific Advisor,
Aapyam Ayurveda Foundation® &
Scientific Co-ordinator,
Centre for Manuscript Research,
Aapyam Institute of Indigenous sciences and Research, Bengaluru.
Dr. Divya Jyothihails from Mangaluru, Karnataka. She has finished her graduate degree in Ayurveda from Karnataka Ayurvedic Medical College, Mangalore in the year 2009. She did her MA in Sanskrit from Mysore University. She completed her internship under the guidance of Dr.Sambamurthy and Dr.Savitri of Ayurveda Academy, Bengaluru. This created a keen interest in learning the concepts and classics of Ayurveda in a deeper manner. Subsequently she worked as consultant setting up her own clinic- Amrita Ayurvedalaya at Suratkal. On joining Post- graduation in the subject of Ayurveda Siddhanta at SDM College and Hospital, Hassan she was lucky enough to be in contact with Dr. Sriharsha KV and Dr Mallika KJ who laid the foundation of Manuscriptology which made her choosea topic involving Manuscriptology for the dissertation titled “Critical edition of KrishnaPandita commentary on Lolimbaraja’sVaidyajivana”.
She worked as organizing secretary for the First State level workshop on Manuscriptology “Kritikoutuka” at SDM College of Ayurveda, Hassan. The success of which encouraged the Department to organize four days long National workshop on Manuscriptology named “Kriti Sampada”. She was also one of the foremost members among the team of consultants who visited Sri Puram- The Golden Temple Vellore for inspection and manuscript conservation project. She participated in the 21 daysBasic level workshop on Manuscriptology at IPGT&RA, Jamnagar organized by Gujarat Ayurved University and NMM. At present she is carrying out her research on “Critical edition of Pandulipi of Kashypa Samhita”as PhD Scholar at IPGT&RA, Jamnagar.