Pulsar: Metric Generalization of Time-Space of Celestial and Quantum Mechanics

Author: Dr. Avramenko A.E. Summary:   In the article, from the unified positions of the theory of relativity, physical processes are general...

Author: Dr. Avramenko A.E.


In the article, from the unified positions of the theory of relativity, physical processes are generalized that occur synchronously in the space of inertial coordinate systems in the entire range of possible movements - from the observed movements of celestial bodies to intra-atomic interactions of electromagnetic fields and quantum particles. Atomic objects manifest and are fixed by directly detecting elastic wave interactions in their natural states on a pulsar time scale, excluding particle collisions. In the inertial frame, the body moves according to the Kepler-Newton laws (inertiality in the usual mechanical sense). 

During the passage of the wavefront, the electromagnetic field of the pulsar, interacting with the electromagnetic field of microparticles, fixes their discrete mechanical states on its scale with an accuracy of up to a quantum of time allowed by the pulsar scale. The discrete mechanical states of microparticles measured on the pulsar scale are multiples of the constant value ∂T = 5.551115123125780E-17s. They are repeated in any inertial coordinate system. Their number is finite, regardless of the duration of the measurements.

It is proved that the solution of the missing inverse problem of celestial mechanics in the time domain, based on the observed propagation of the pulsar electromagnetic radiation front, also determines the inertiality with respect to the field in measurements of discrete states of microparticles, generalized in 4-dimensional space on the pulsar time scale. 

Axiomatic transformations of the space-time states of the material world strictly correspond to the fundamental physical principles - the integral laws of conservation of energy-momentum and angular momentum. 

Thus, the physical processes of celestial and quantum mechanics proceed in the space of inertial coordinate systems synchronously in the entire range of possible movements - from the observed movements of celestial bodies to the interactions of electromagnetic fields and quantum particles. Atomic objects are manifested and fixed by direct detection of elastic wave interactions on a pulsar time scale in their natural states, excluding particle collisions, similar to collisions in a collider. 

Article link: https://journalspress.com/LJRS_Volume24/Pulsar-Metric-Generalization-of-Time-Space-of-Celestial-and-Quantum-Mechanics.pdf




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London Journals Press: Pulsar: Metric Generalization of Time-Space of Celestial and Quantum Mechanics
Pulsar: Metric Generalization of Time-Space of Celestial and Quantum Mechanics
London Journals Press
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