The Fifth Discussion on the Origin of the Universe

Summary of the research work of six articles on the exploration of the cosmic origin: Author: Samo Liu Dear Editor, I would like to thank th...

Summary of the research work of six articles on the exploration of the cosmic origin:

Author: Samo Liu

Dear Editor, I would like to thank the Great Britain Journals Press for publishing six of my articles. Among them was a letter to the scientific community.

Cosmological Ontology Originally Belonged to Philosophy and the Category of Metaphysics. According to Taoist Philosophy and Buddhist Philosophy of the Original Idea of the Universe Based on the Principles of Materialist Dialectics, I Use the Information and Knowledge of Physics and Modern Science to Interpret the Ontology of the Universe.

Six books were published, centrally assembled in these six articles, As an engineering technician. From the perspective of science and technology, to interpret the cosmic ontology and quantum mechanics, here is called cosmic origin. This ontological interpretation of the universe is an attempt. The philosophy of science and the philosophy of religion should be combined to understand the origin of the universe and interpret the noumenon of the universe with the guidance of science.

To inspire the scientific community and readers to think about the cosmological ontology of these sciences and to make criticisms and suggestions. In particular, the science and technology community is invited to give criticism and verification.

If this theory can be verified to be correct by the scientific community, it will be beneficial to the scientific thinking of human beings, and the thinking of human survival and existence.

Thank the Editor for their hard work. I would like to thank the readers for their reading, thinking and suggestions on these articles.

1. Summary of the work of "Exploring the Essence of the Universe"

The Cosmological Ontology Should Be the Subject of a Philosophical or Metaphysical Study. Today with the Development of Science and Modern Physics We Have Enough Scientific Information on How to Use Scientific Truth to Understand the Origin of the Universe. We Should Use the Language of Science to Understand Again What Is Space? What Is Time? Since Aristotle Philosophical Thought Has Been Thinking about Space and Time in Terms of Matter. Physics and Modern Science Tell Us That the Time Has Come to Redefine Space and Time in Scientific Terms and That We Should No Longer Think or Argue about These Issues in the Circle of Material Philosophy. The Author Uses the Original Thought of the Universe in Taoist Philosophy Buddhist Philosophy Materialist Dialectics and the Knowledge of Physics and Modern Science to Rename the Problem of the Universe Ontology. It Is Hoped That the Scientific Community Will Pay Attention and Cause People to Think Deeply.E Should No Longer Think or Argue about These Issues in the Circle of Material Philosophy. The Author Uses the Original Thought of the Universe in Taoist Philosophy Buddhist Philosophy Materialist Dialectics and the Knowledge of Physics and Modern Science to Rename the Problem of the Universe Ontology. It Is Hoped That the Scientific Community Will Pay Attention and Cause People to Think Deeply. 2. Summary of the Work of Second Time Explor    

2. Summary of the work of "Second Time Exploration the Essence of the Universe"

The universe is material, man is material, man lives in matter, and the information that is recognized and created by man is brought about by material philosophy. The real universe, then, is the universe of matter, information and energy, which is the true origin or noumenon of the universe. Or when all the information of science tells us that the universe is a collection of matter, energy and information, we will realize that the universe is alive, matter is alive, and all existence is alive. Space is empty, information is empty, and energy is empty, but you can use the principles of quantum mechanics to create mass, mass structure, real matter, and real human beings. and human beings use their own thinking to create real information and energy. Although we realize that this is really what science is telling us., it's easy to think of these things as physical. Matter is actual existence, and when we regard energy and information as zero-dimensional existence, the existence of the emptiness of the universe, the existence of the creation of the universe, and the origin of all motion and time, we can understand the problem of the zero-dimensional universe. The origin of the movement of matter, the changes, and the direction of these equilibria, then the origin of the universe, can be recognized as empty and divine.

3. Summary of the work of "Third Discussion on the Origin of the Universe"

When we think with the thoughts of the universe's origin, materialist dialectics and all the information of modern science, we can understand the real nature and nature of the universe, and we can also realize that the basis of all our thinking today is a way of thinking of material philosophy, which regards the universe as matter, and it is a biased way of thinking. This way of thinking, which cannot be evaluated as correct or incorrect, is a stage of thinking in the stage of human existence. At this stage, we can think of the universe as material. However, when human beings have the ability to be the God of the universe, we should get out of the circle of material philosophy and think about the whole universe. Otherwise, it will affect the survival and existence of human beings. This is because the philosophy of matter is a philosophy of confrontation and contradiction that easily arouses human thought. If this contradiction cannot be solved, human beings will not be able to get out of the vicious circle of material philosophy, in which we will be imprisoned by material philosophical thoughts. When we have the power of the God of the universe, this kind of confrontational thought, which is also the original thought given to mankind by the universe's original nature, will allow mankind to destroy itself. Therefore, science should intervene in the work of thinking about the origin of the universe and lead it. Science should prove the zero-dimensional universe and the idea that "the universe and all things are living beings". When science proves this idea, human beings will believe in this idea and be able to get out of the predicament of the imprisonment of material philosophy. Therefore, human beings need to respect heaven, earth and man. Man is the Lord of all things, to respect all beings, and at the same time, man needs to respect himself, need peace, and understand the balance of the universe and the Middle way of thought.

4. “ A Letter to the Scientific Community” summarizing the work

The ontology of the universe should not be the work of philosophy or religion but should become the ontology of science, the cosmic origin of science, according to the development of mankind and the sufficiency of scientific information. The original thought of the universe left by our ancestors are scientific, and we hope that the scientific community can break away from the imprisonment of material philosophy and use the original scientific thought of the universe to think about the existence of the whole universe, the existence of all things and the existence of human beings, which are all living beings. When we realize that the origin of the universe is zero-dimensional, the exist of matter is three-dimensional, and all existence, including matter and human beings are soulful and alive, and in this way, science can attach the wings of the soul and become the beacon of the human soul; this is the true Gospel of mankind. Space can not use the dimension to determine the space is " it's big without outside其大无外, it's small without inside 其小无内" maternal existence, to respect space. The thinking and understanding of the mathematical dimension can only be limited to the existence in space, we can call matter three-dimensional, its original existence is zero dimension, and there are other existences that our existing information can not be confirmed, but they do exist, so we do not need to study the space, reverence, respect and worship space.

5. Summary of the work of “The Fourth Discussion on the Origin of the Universe”

This article generalizes physics into thermodynamics from the point of view of science and modern physics, which is inspired by quantum mechanics and the thermodynamic theories of Master Planck and Lord Kelvin. All physical existence, whether three-dimensional matter, or zero-dimensional energy, is a thermodynamic phenomenon of physics. We all come from absolute zero, so there is zero-dimensional energy that is not absolute zero. With three dimensions of physical existence and human existence, we find the message of force and time, but we don't know what that is. It is the divine being, the information being, but it is neither matter nor energy. It is information. It is the God of the universe and the angel of the Mother of space. The development of science and technology is the human understanding of mechanics and energy. We have to further study it, understand it, and create the Gospel for the well-being of mankind. This article is the core content of scientific ontology based on the idea of the origin of the universe.

6. Summary of the work of "The Fifth Discussion on the Origin of the Universe"

From the Development of Electronic Computers and Robots We Deduce the Creation and Existence of Human Beings. Human Beings Are the Computer-like Intelligent Matter Created by the Universe and We May Not Be the Only Species in the Universe. In the Universe We May Not Be the First Wave of Human Beings Created in the Universe nor Can We Be the Last Wave of Human Beings Created in the Universe. However We Are Created We Exist We Have Created Many Things We Have Created a Lot of Information We Still Exist We Are Still Living We Are Still Searching for the so-Called Truth. But Did We Find It? We Regard the Universe as Material and We Do Not Even Understand the Basic Yin-Yang Nature of the Universe. The Existence of the Universe the Existence of All Things All Beings Are Alive and We Human Beings Are Alive. But How Should Man Exist? How Should He Live? Without the Idea of the Origin of the Universe and the Ontology of Science It Will Be Difficult for Us to Get Out of the Strange Circle of Material Philosophy and Material Science. Only by Using the Idea of the Universe 39 S Origin Using the Overall Cosmological View Comprehensive Cosmological View and Dialectics to Understand the Nature of the Universe Can Be Conducive to the Development of Science Can Be Conducive to the Survival and Existence of Human Beings Which May Be an Important Issue in the Current Human Thinking    

Thank you

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London Journals Press: The Fifth Discussion on the Origin of the Universe
The Fifth Discussion on the Origin of the Universe
London Journals Press
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